Together, our SBC of Virginia churches partner with more than 45,000 churches in the Southern Baptist Convention. That’s more than 16 million Southern Baptists across the country.
Introduction to the Cooperative Program
Introduction to the Cooperative Program

What is the Cooperative Program?

The Cooperative Program is the financial fuel for reaching every person for Jesus Christ in every town, every city, every state, and every nation.


Cooperative Program

How your money is distributed.


Southern Baptist Convention


SBC of Virginia

Southern Baptist Convention - 51%

  • International Mission Board


  • North American Mission Board


  • Theological Education Ministries


  • Other SBC Ministries


  • Cooperative Program Resourcing


SBC of Virginia - 49%

  • Church Planting & Revitalization


  • Church Engagement & Mobilization


  • Missions & Ministry Resources


  • Financial Services & Ministry Support


  • Leadership & Convention Relations


Give through the mail

To send your Cooperative Program gifts through the mail, please download this form and fill it out. Mail your gift to the SBC of Virginia office in Glen Allen and include the completed form. Thank you for giving through the Cooperative Program!


Encourage giving through the Cooperative Program in your church with these inspiring promotional videos.

Pass the Plate

From “Your Town” to “Any Town” —to “Anywhere in the World”— your generous giving through the Cooperative Program is transformed over and over again.

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For Others

In this video, we see through the eyes of a child the amazing power of giving through the Cooperative Program.

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More Cooperative Program Videos

Empty Hands

Sometimes we look at mission work and forget where it all begins. This video highlights in very poignant scenes how the turning point for missions very well may be when you give your tithes and offerings to your local church. Mission work truly begins when God’s people are faithful to give to His work!

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Together We Are There

We must all recognize that we are dependent on one another. Watch this Cooperative Program promotional video to hear more.

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Western Cooperative Program

Do you ever feel like a ‘lone ranger’? Trying to do ministry all by yourself? Well, you don’t have to feel like that. When you give through the SBC Cooperative Program, you are working with thousands of other Southern Baptists to reach not only your neck of the woods, but the nation and the world for Christ.

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Numbers Matter (English Version)

Think of the most impressive projects around the world that teams have accomplished. Even small teams can accomplish great things for God. But if we all join Him in His mission and for His purpose – Imagine what we could do… Together!

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Hunger, Together We Are There

The first line really says it all, “I think most people just don’t want to see it”. But hunger is out there, everywhere. And it has no preference to race, gender, or age. Can you help? Can we help? That probably shouldn’t be the question. The question should be, “When can you help”. Together, we can make a difference because, “Together, We Are There”.

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Me & My CP

This is a humorous take on the Cooperative Program by taking a look at how it is perceived by two different generations. Interesting how each looks at it but appreciates it at the same time! Clever writing, quick edits and some “one liners” make this video an instant classic.

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