For our missions prayer time, let’s visit the East Coast to pray for Noah and Tarin Madden, two of our missionaries serving in Weymouth, Mass. Our church supports them through the Cooperative Program.
Weymouth was first settled in 1622; it’s the second oldest settlement in the state. The map says Weymouth is 16 miles south of Boston. But actually, the city is part of Greater Boston and has the same urban problems, especially drug addiction and general hopelessness.
Noah and Tarin are determined to change all that. In 2022, they were sent by Life Community Church in Boston to plant Life Community Weymouth as one of Life Community’s satellite congregations.
Soon after Noah and Tarin came to Weymouth, they met Eric, who had struggled with addictions. God not only saved Eric but also transformed him into a leader in the new church. Now Eric leads the church’s recovery ministry and helps others give their lives to Jesus and overcome addictions.
New Testament churches are urgently needed throughout Boston and New England. Let’s thank the Lord that Noah and Tarin are helping meet that need. Let’s pray for them and ask