Helping Hurting Women

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Blessed Are Those Who Mourn
Remember that Abba sees the mourning and calls them blessed. He floods them with His…
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Helping Hurting Women
Abiding Through the Unthinkable
When your biggest worries become your reality, what do you do? When you are walking…
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Helping Hurting Women
My Portion
As a Christian, God is my portion and my strength and my shield, too. I…
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Helping Hurting Women
Love is patient, love is kind.
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Helping Hurting Women
The Recipe for Lasting Joy
When walking through trial after trial, those stormy times when life presses in, threatening to…
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Helping Hurting Women
Walking Free: Coming Out of Hiding (Part 2)
Walking free is something that we all desire to do. No one wants to walk…
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Leadership Tools

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Leadership Tools
Bended Knee
To lead from lowliness is an outflow of an inner conviction to follow in the…
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Leadership Tools
Our Words Matter
As leaders, we need to be mindful of how our words benefit others spiritually.
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Leadership Tools
Leading Well
If a leader shows kindness, those under their guidance will be more motivated to accomplish…
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Leadership Tools
When Darkness Comes
As you lead the women God has placed on your path, rest in knowing that…
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Leadership Tools
Encouraging Others
Each holiday season, I pray the Lord will connect me with those I may be…
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Leadership Tools
The Joy of a New Christian
Jenna couldn’t believe how quickly the time flew by. When the class was over, she…
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Pastors' Wives

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Pastors' Wives
On Mission as a Pastor’s Wife
My husband and I are on a mission trip to Honduras. As I think of…
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Pastors' Wives
The Pastor’s Wife
It can feel confusing, restrictive, and nothing like you once imagined. Life in the fishbowl.
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Women's Ministry Blog
The Ministers Need Ministering To
For every good and beautifully rich blessing that comes with ministering to others, the hard…
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The Good Portion
Yet shockingly, according to Jesus, it was Mary who chose the good portion, which entailed…
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Your Presence Matters
Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you.  James 4:8 Your presence…
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Pastors' Wives
Wherever You Go
As a pastor’s wife, my primary ministry isn’t always inside the walls of the church.…
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Spiritual Growth

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Spiritual Growth
Who Are You Following?
We should be eager to follow the One who voluntarily sacrificed His position, His power,…
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Spiritual Growth
Worship Him Together
Can you image this picture, and how beautiful it will be, all in front of…
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Spiritual Growth
When Your Heart is Bigger Than Your Time
He gives me peace that He is in control and is the One made to…
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Spiritual Growth
A Kingdom of Adoption
With our adoption as sons and daughters, we are reminded that through it all, we…
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Spiritual Growth
The Body We Crave
God doesn’t want our perfection, He wants our best.
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Spiritual Growth
It is my holy responsibility to create space where the Lord can replenish my thirsty…
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Añorando ver a Jesus
¿Añoras ver a Cristo cara a cara? Hermana Natal nos invita a recordar que para…
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Sabiduría De Lo Alto
¿Vivimos conforme a la sabiduría de este mundo o a la sabiduría que viene de…
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Ministerio de Mujeres
Todo Es Una Decisión
Refleja tu vida la vida de Cristo? Gina nos recuerda de la batalla constante que…
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La Amargura: Una Celda en tu Corazón
La amargura es un pecado que puede ser parte de nuestra vida aun sin darnos…
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Piedras de Recuerdo
¿Mantiene un registro de la obra de Dios en su vida? Karla nos recuerda la…
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Ministerio de Mujeres
Habitemos En Armonía
Hermana Lissandra nos invita a Glorificar a Dios por medio de la relación que llevamos…
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Additional Resources

Human Trafficking

Get access to a prayer guide for victims of human trafficking and sexual exploitation.

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Bless Every Home

Is your church reaching its community? Find out ways you can bless every home in your community.

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Life On Mission

Discover how you can share the Gospel with anyone using the Life Conversation Guide, a companion resource to the new Life On Mission book.

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Meet our Blog Team

I am excited to introduce our new blog team to the women in our state! We have a team of women who will engage, inspire, and encourage us. Our blogs are equipping tools for ministry and helping you pursue holiness. I am honored to serve the women in our state and believe God will use our team to bring blessing to your life. – Donna Paulk / Women’s Ministry Strategist

SBCV Women's Ministry Blog Team

Lisa Bryant

Lisa BryantLisa Bryant served as Women’s Ministry Director at Thomas Road Baptist Church for 12 years. While serving at Thomas Road, Lisa developed strategies for discipleship, mentoring, and engaging women of all ages and backgrounds. After working with women in a very large congregation, Lisa now spends her time connecting with women on a slightly smaller scale, but still with huge Kingdom results.

Dolly Mink

Dolly MinkDolly Mink has a heart for women who are hurting. Years of experience in Christian leadership have given her a unique perspective and she is eager to share her observations insights, and words of encouragement all in a way that honors her Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Dolly serves on the Women’s Ministry Leadership Team at River Oak Church in Chesapeake, and on the SBCV Women’s Ministry Leadership Team.

Ashley Setterlind

Ashley SetterlindAshley Setterlind is a pastor’s wife, mama of two, and worship leader at LibertyLive.Church in Hampton Roads, VA. She is passionate about encouraging other moms to glorify God in their mundane moments by being deeply rooted in Christ. To read more, visit @deeplyrootedmotherhood on Instagram and Facebook or her personal blog at

Lexi Shipp

Lexi ShippLexi Shipp: Lexi Shipp is a passionate writer, speaker, and Bible teacher. She is an author, childhood cancer survivor, and spent 5 ½ years on staff at a Crisis Pregnancy Center. With a degree in Religion specified in Christian Ministry, Lexi is currently serving alongside her husband doing Girls Ministry at London Bridge Baptist Church in Virginia Beach, Virginia. Working with middle and high school girls for years, she has a heart for connecting all generations of women and championing the next generation for the cause of Christ. Lexi serves as the Blog Team Lead for the SBC of Virginia’s Women’s Ministry Blog and on the SBCV Women’s Ministry Strategy Team. To read more of Lexi’s writings or to book her as a speaker, visit

Hayley Wilson

Hayley WilsonHayley Wilson: Hayley Wilson has a huge passion for serving the Lord through helping women of all generations and backgrounds grow in their faith and maintain a strong relationship rooted in Christ. She currently serves as the administrator for the SBCV Women’s Ministry Blog and is on the SBCV Women’s Ministry Strategy Team. Hayley is also on staff at London Bridge Baptist Church as a ministry assistant and serves on LBBC’s Women’s Ministry Team.

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