For our missions prayer time, let’s focus on Washington state.
Two of our North American missionaries, Daniel and Mary Estrada, have planted a new church there.
Before moving to the Pacific Northwest, Daniel and Mary lived in Miami, Florida, where Daniel led a successful church. Then a church in Oregon invited him to serve as pastor.
He went. In 2020, he and Mary led three families to plant a new Spanish-speaking church in Vancouver, Washington.
That’s not the larger Vancouver in Canada. Vancouver in southern Washington state is just across the Columbia River from Portland, Oregon. It’s a beautiful area, but also one of the most spiritually needy regions in North America — few evangelical churches and few Christ followers.
El Buen Pastor Church (Spanish for The Good Shepherd) already has about 100 people attending services, mostly first- and second-generation Hispanics.
For outreach, Daniel tells members to go tell their salvation stories to friends, family and neighbors.
Our church supports Daniel and Mary through the Cooperative Program as they serve in partnership with our North American Mission Board of the SBC.
Let’s pray that thousands will find Christ through their ministry!