Today for our missions prayer time, let’s go to Hawaii!
Let’s pray for David and Nancy Whitehead, two of our North American missionaries who have planted a new church in Kapolei, west of Honolulu and Pearl Harbor.
David pastored three mainland churches and for seven years was pastor of a church in Kona, Hawaii. He helped plant dozens of new churches in Hawaii and California through our North American Mission Board.
In 2020, David and Nancy moved back to Hawaii and planted Connections Church in Kapolei. Despite the COVID-19 crisis, David baptized 30 new believers that first year.
Now the church meets in a soccer arena on Munu Street. As many new churches these days, they have to set up chairs, equipment and such every Sunday, then stow it all away. They baptize new believers in the Pacific, a conspicuous activity that’s a great outreach tool. Sometimes they pass out cold drinks in town to meet people.
Let’s pray now for David and Nancy. Let’s thank God for their years of fruitful Kingdom service. We are so happy our church supports them through our Cooperative Program giving!