At the SBC of Virginia, we believe strongly that having a local missionary in the area, working hand-in-hand with God’s people, will have a far more meaningful impact on the spread of the Gospel than we could provide from a central location. Because of this, we’ve divided our state into six ministry regions: North, Central, Central-West and Southside, Southeast, Southwest, and Valley. Each region has dedicated regional strategists to assist local churches with their individual needs.

Central Region
Serving the area in and around Greater Richmond, portions of the Piedmont, the Northern Neck and the city of Charlottesville

Central-West & Southside Region
Serving the area in and around Greater Lynchburg and Bedford, South Boston, Danville, the Staunton River Basin, and South Hill

North Region
Serving the area in and around the Northern Virginia and Greater DC

Southeast Region
Serving the area in and around Hampton Roads and the Eastern Shore

Southwest Region
Serving the area in and around Appalachia and the Highlands

Valley Region
Around the Interstate 81 corridor, including the Roanoke and Shenandoah Valleys