Don Crain and his wife, Susanne, lived a good, Christian life. He was a deacon, youth leader, and his wife was a Girls in Action Director and choir member. But, it wasn’t until April 23, 1972 that God really began to prepare Don’s heart for ministry through a Lay Witness Mission. Over the next several years, Don and his wife devoured God’s word, learning what true commitment really meant. These experiences have honed Don’s chief ministry desire: to encourage and develop pastors and churches.
Serving as regional strategist for the Central-East region for the SBC of Virginia, Don has the opportunity to fulfill his passion of encouraging and developing pastors and churches. Over the years, he has served as senior pastor to Faith Baptist Church in Richmond and Cornerstone Community Church in Holtville, Calif. He also served as transitional pastor to Salem Baptist Church in Richmond and God’s Storehouse Baptist Church in Chesterfield.