As a pastor’s wife I have a front row seat to everyone’s deepest struggles and greatest celebrations. The celebrations are easy to join. Who doesn’t want to have a party and be there for the greatest blessings? But when there are high levels of anxiety, health struggles, family conflict and brokenness, and in addition financial challenges bleed over into the way people live their lives, it changes the situation and the need. Ecclesiastes teaches us there is a time for everything under the sun and we are to weep with those who weep and mourn with those who mourn.
I believe one of the best ways to do that is to offer grace in a practical way. Life is hard and God tells us in His Word He knows we are weak and that His power is shown more in our weakness. God has promised us grace that is sufficient for anything we face. He offers to face it with us. “My grace is sufficient for you”. (2 Cor 12:9) Boy, do we need that grace. We need it because we all fall short when we are spiritually, emotionally, and physically spent. I think everyone who receives grace appreciates it. After all, we are receiving something we have not earned. We are receiving a portion to fill in the gap where we fall short.
It is important for us to practically follow that example that God sets for us and to offer grace in those times of struggle. There are several questions I like to ask myself in order to offer grace in practical ways. These include the following:
- How can I offer grace by encouraging this person? What can I offer from God’s Word that is truthful and applicable to the situation? What can I offer to let someone know they are doing well, clearly giving their best, using their abilities to navigate the situation the best way they know how?
- How can I offer grace by helping this person where they need it? Maybe it’s a meal, a helping hand, picking up kids.
- How can I be gracious by being present for this person? Maybe it’s a text, a phone call, a visit.
- What truth offered in grace can bring perspective? Maybe letting them know this situation will pass will serve as a reminder that it will not go on forever.
Grace is something God offered us, and we can pass that on to others to remind them of His ultimate grace and love in tangible ways. When we encourage other believers, we help steady them on their path and support them in their time of need. This makes life less difficult and isolated in the struggle. May we offer grace as we receive it in abundance from God beyond what we deserve, and may the body of Christ be edified by it!